Welcome to our home
Everyday life can feel demanding, overwhelming, even chaotic. Connecting with those closest to you can feel rushed, where being busy has become the norm. Parenting has become competitive, our lives are being curated away on social media, and we feel lonelier and less connected than ever.
Like many of us, we got caught up in the busyness of life – building a career, buying a bigger house, getting married, starting a family – when one day it struck us, why were we doing all of this?
The last few years have been about reclaiming our time, simplifying our lives and an inward journey to discover what really matters to us most.
That's when Coco & Henry came along.
We're homebodies, love well-made beautiful things that tell a story. Our garden regenerates us, and life wouldn't be what it is without the people we love. This is not unique to us. We're all seeking the same things in the end in our quest for happiness – even though the path to get there may be different. It's about the simple things that lead us to home within ourselves.
Our home tells our story. From the everyday items, to the special pieces filled with memory, our home is a reflection of who we are, who lives here, and how we live. With Coco & Henry we want to create and curate items that are worthy of being part of your story.
Quality products that are unique, beautiful, practical and founded on integrity. Truly sustainable – for the planet and the people who live here. Products designed to last – either because they are durable, or simply because we don't want to live without them. That vase you love because of the colours it casts when the sun hits it, the perfect cushion you always grab when watching a movie on the couch, or the ultra-soft bedding that you sink into every night that makes you say 'ah, yes'. Less rubbish, less throwing away, more enjoyment.
At the end of the day, we're no different to you, we all want to live a good life – whatever that looks like. We hope you find something here that you love.